
SolarWinds Products
  • SolarWinds Inc. is a company which develops software for businesses to help manage their information technology infrastructure. Since founding in 1999, SolarWinds’ mission has been to provide purpose-built products that are designed to make jobs easier for IT professionals, MSPs, and DevOps pros.

    SolarWinds offers value-driven products and tools that solve a broad range of IT management challenges — whether those challenges are related to networks, servers, applications, storage, virtualization, cloud, or development operations.

    SolarWinds is one of the world’s most award-winning, peer-recommended and continuously-licensed product families year after year.

    SolarWinds' comprehensive products and services are used by more than 90,000 customers in more than 170 countries worldwide, including military, Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and education institutions.

  • SolarWinds cung cấp một loạt các giải pháp giám sát và quản lý CNTT. Dưới đây là tổng quan về thông tin cấp phép sản phẩm của SolarWinds:

    SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM)

    • NPM is a network monitoring and performance management solution. It is licensed based on the number of monitored elements, such as devices, interfaces, or nodes. Licenses are available in various tiers, allowing you to monitor a specific number of elements.

    SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor (SAM)

    • SAM is an application and server monitoring solution. It is also licensed based on the number of monitored elements, such as servers, applications, and virtual machines. Licenses are available in different tiers based on the number of monitored elements.

    SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer (DPA)

    • DPA is a database monitoring and optimization solution. It is licensed per database instance, regardless of the number of users or the size of the database. Licenses can be purchased based on the number of database instances you want to monitor.

    SolarWinds Security Event Manager (SEM)

    • SEM is a security information and event management (SIEM) solution. It is licensed based on the number of nodes or devices you want to monitor for security events. Licenses are available in different tiers based on the number of monitored nodes or devices.

    SolarWinds Web Help Desk (WHD)

    • WHD is a ticketing and asset management solution. It is licensed based on the number of technicians or users who will be using the software. Licenses are available in different tiers based on the number of licensed users.

    SolarWinds Patch Manager

    • Patch Manager is a patch management solution for servers, workstations, and applications. It is licensed based on the number of managed servers or workstations. Licenses are available in different tiers based on the number of managed devices.

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